Raejuvenate By Toni Rae provides nourishing products with the intentions to Raejuvenate your whole self. With three simple steps (Soak Me Up, Scrub Me Down and Butter Me Up) you will feel Raejuvenated in no time!
-Toni Rae, Creator of Raejuvenate

  • #Raenew

    Bringing awareness to depression across the world is the impact that Raejuvenate inspires to achieve. Some people might have a single episode of major depression, while others experience it throughout their life. Regardless of how long its symptoms last, major depression can impact your relationships and daily activities. Raising depression awareness can help defeat the stigma of the illness and can also help people suffering from it to reach out and get the help that they need to defeat it.

  • #Raefresh

    Raejuvenate by Toni Rae Inc. was established to bring awareness to depression and help people defeat it by creating a safe space by taking baths. While a bath will not end depression it is a useful coping tool to support depressive symtoms. Research shows that a 30-minute bath a day improves depression. Warm baths are linked to decreasing stress symptoms and aid in balancing serotonin level, which help to regulate mood.

  • #Raejuvenate

    Raejuvenate by Toni Rae Inc. not only focuses on bath and body products but is also a platform for people experiencing depression. While depressive states are often discussed, tools to decrease symptoms are not as commonly talked about. A lot of people talk about being depressed but they don't express how they overcame depression or even how they maintain it. Raejuvenate by Toni Rae Inc. will be a world-wide platform for people fighting depression.